IQ - Coated Glass
IQ Systems for Coated Glass
Clean Start: Glass must be exceptionally clean. Our coater washers feature a unique water stream particle size counter that detects minute particles and quantify them.
Exterior Color: Exterior color is validated in process as well as off-line. This specific technology provides analysis based on how the completed product will appear in a consumer’s home. Production measurements enable us to statistically control the existing process and use the data as benchmark for continuous improvement efforts.
Room Side Color and Visible Transmission/Reflection: Involves a continuous load-to-load monitoring to validate film stack construction.
IR Reflection: Validates and ensures coating performance.
Lucite Density: “Lucite interleaving density” is managed and placed between sheets of glass. To calculate and maintain proper coverage density, light emitting diodes (LED) illuminate the material then high-speed cameras capture images several times per second. The proper density provides protection against transportation and handling related damages, which can happen when one piece of glass touches another.

In-process performance testing is continuous and recorded into our electronic Quality Management System.
Supply Chain Quality System: Extends our quality philosophy to our vendors. Electronic systems make direct evaluation performance available to our vendors and customers.
Edge Deletion: Cardinal’s proprietary technology allows for as many as ten measurements per second. Consequently, we can trend drift and tool wear. Statistically managing this process ensures that the customers will not incur edge delete issues such as sealing an unprepared surface.
Optimization System: The process arbitrates the best cut for the ribbon, which helps maximize production and efficiency in order to keep costs down.
Performance Testing: R&D conducted evaluations look at every potential variable that can arise along the way. Customized for production in process testing is continuous and recorded into our electronic Quality Management System.