
Experience a New Level of
Peace and Quiet

The modern world can be a very a noisy place. The constant din from planes, vehicles and industrial activity can cause major disruption to your everyday life.

To protect your home from unwanted noise, windows and glass doors now must play a new role.

Dangerous Noise Levels
70 dB

80 dB

85 dB

100 dB

120 dB

Noise level above 70 dB over a prolonged period could start to damage your hearing

125 dB

130 dB

Loud noise above 120 dB can cause immediate harm to your ears

70 dB

Noise level above 70 dB over a prolonged period could start to damage your hearing

80 dB

85 dB

100 dB

120 dB

Loud noise above 120 dB can cause immediate harm to your ears

125 dB

130 dB

The Science of Sound Control
Laminated glass attenuates sound thanks to its sturdy interlayer. This greatly reduces audio decibel levels and is extremely useful in high-noise areas, such as near major roads, airports, and manufacturing centers. And when paired with a sealed IG unit, Cardinal’s laminated glass renders even greater sound dampening. STC and OITC are standards that measure sound attenuation. Widely used STC (Sound Transmission Class) measures frequencies from 125 Hz to 4000 Hz. OITC (Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class) is a more modern and “real world” test that includes sounds on the lower end of the spectrum, from 80 to 4000 Hz. In both cases, the higher the number, the better the sound deadening effects.
Strict Performance

Note how glass thickness and interlayer configurations affect sound control. Higher STC/OITC numbers are better.

Select: performance level

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
Single Monolithic Annealed
2 Pane Annealed IG
Single Acoustic Lami
2 Pane Single Lami IG
3 Pane Lami IG

1/4″ Monolithic Glass

3.0 Clear / 13.0 / 3.0 Clear

7.0 PVB (3.0 / 0.030″ Acoustic PVB / 3.0)

7.0 PVB / 13.0 / 5.7 Clear

7.0 PVB / 13.0 / 7.0 PVB / 13.0 / 7.0 PVB





Cardinal provides options for specific noise reduction situations. Acoustic PVB interlayers with boosted sound reduction performance are available to keep sound in its desired place and make your noise concerns a relic of the past.

Remember: choosing the right glass thickness, interlayer and IG configuration will create the sound performance results you desire.

For more information about Cardinal’s laminated glass for heightened levels of quiet serenity, please contact one of our Cardinal LG facilities.

Additional Resources